Wednesday, April 25, 2007

If you have read about the Floyd Landis doping controversy you pretty much know that Landis is full of stuff with everything he has said. He continues to deny that he didnt dope when all the evidence shows that he did. Landis has taken so many urine samples that they have run out of letters in the alphabet and are now going towards numbers. Recently his "B" sample was tested and there was signs of doping and he continues to deny it. I think Landis should have admitted to it right when it was announced that he was suspected of it for his own good. Had Landis just admitted to doping months ago people wouldnt see him now as a pathetic man almost a year after the Tour D' France was run. Not that it would have been any better had he admitted to it before but people wouldnt be talking about him now. I think Landis has tarnished the sport of cycling because although there has been other cyclists banned for doping but never has a winner been caught and had the story been so big like the Floyd Landis story has.



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